Rólunk mondták
K. Adrienn, 16 éves

„Orsi doktornő kedves, türelmes, kérdéseimre mindig odafigyelt, igyekezett teljesíteni. Bármikor rendelkezésre állt. Eleinte féltem a kezelésektől, de óvatossága és közvetlensége megnyugtatott. Bátran merem ajánlani mindenkinek!”
1. How long does the orthodontic treatment take?
It’s highly variable, milder cases take 4-6 months, very difficult ones 2-2.5 years.
2. How much will the orthodontic treatment cost?
It depends on the case, during the first consultation an estimation of costs is made. In the treatment plan the price will be fixed, and this won’t change during the treatment.
3. Which type of brace do I need?
During the first personal consultation you will learn a lot about this. You will be informed about the severeness of the case, expected duration, costs and alternatives. Then you can take your time to think about it. If you decide to go on, a detailed treatment plan will be prepared. Generally, we do not deviate from this during the course of treatment, so you might not face surprises like having braces for 3 years instead of the promised 1, having to extract teeth later, if described in the beginning that it was not necessary, or paying a penny more than it was promised.
4. Can I get a removable appliance? It is less bothering.
Many children, especially adolescents do not wish to wear a fixed appliance, but prefers to wear braces only at home. Although minor irregularities in adulthood are possible to be solved with a removable appliance, in case of a heavy crowding, large gaps and teeth inclined inwards or outwards it is unfortunately not effective enough, but it might as well damage your teeth. However, with the help of a hardly noticeable fixed brace, good results can be achieved very effectively, sometimes in only six months. "Invisible" (ligual) orthodontics is also an option, which costs considerably more, but if this is what your life requires, just feel free to inquire about this as well!
5. Do I need braces for both of my jaws?
Not necessarily, it also depends on the case. In heavy disorders usually you do.
6. Can the brace damage my teeth or cause tooth decay?
In case the teeth are cleaned properly, there is absolutely no danger! However, if oreal hygane is neglected, sooner or later it will lead to gingivitis and decays!